Cloudhiker was created to bring back the nostalgic thrill of the classic Web 2.0 exploration era. You'll encounter completely random websites. If possible, the website will be shown directly to you, allowing you to dive in and engage with it firsthand. Here, you won't come across clickbait from Buzzfeed or lackluster blog articles; instead, you'll discover sites that are genuinely captivating, unconventional, mind-blowing, or geared towards learning. Some will tickle your funny bone, some will stimulate your thoughts, and others may prove invaluable for your work with their exceptional tools.

All sites available on Cloudhiker are carefully reviewed and selected based on strict rules. Those rules can be found on the Submission Rules page.
If you want to submit a site, please sign up for an account first. The account is free of charge. After submitting your site, it will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Cloudhiker in Numbers

Website Views
Likes for Websites
Registered Users
Approved Websites
Websites in Review
Rejected Websites

Our Categories

This is the category graph. It shows the relative amount of sites for each category.

Philosophy, Life
Education, Learning
Culture, Society
Science, Math
Business, Economics
Technology, Internet
TV, Movies, Video
Fun Stuff
Home, Garden
Nature, Animals, Earth
Food, Cooking
Music, Audio
Arts, Design & Crafts
Literature, Writing
Tap a color block to see the category.

What you can do on Cloudhiker


You can add your favorite sites to lists, called Collections. They can be created in your user dashboard , or used while exploring the sites. If you want, you can share your Collections with the world by making them public. All Collections can be accessed and edited through your Dashboard.

Screenshot of Cloudhiker in acion

Browser Extension

Instead of using the Cloudhiker website you can also use the Cloudhiker Browser Extension to discover new websites directly from your browser. The extension lets you get a new website with each click and opens it in a new tab.
Please note that a Cloudhiker user account is needed to use the extension.

Get the Extension

More Features

  • You can like sites you love to access them later. All liked sites can be viewed on the Dashboard.
  • Others can view your public Profile if you enable it. All your public collections can be viewed from the profile.
  • All approved sites can be shared with others through Twitter, Facebook and other social networks right from the exploring experience.
  • Privacy is important. We do not use any analytics software and do not use advertising solutions that kick your privacy with their feet. No data will leave our server.
  • Once you submitted some sites to Cloudhiker, you will take your seat on the User Toplist .
Subscribe to Premium now
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Cloudhiker Premium

Cloudhiker provides endless hours of binge clicking through the internet. Discover countless great websites, laugh, learn interesting things or deep dive into the most weird experiments of the web. You can support us on our mission to deliver the best sites of the web by subscribing to our Premium plan. It comes with a lot of great features:
No advertisement at all.
90 days Explore History
Find the sites you have accidentally clicked away.*
Create more than 3 Collections and add as many sites as you want to them.
Priority reviews
Submit unlimited websites for review which are checked before all other users.
Access to a VIP channel on Discord to chat with other Premium users.
A unique Premium badge visible on your public profile.
Unlock exclusive Achievements only accessible by Premium members. (coming soon)
Access to special styles for your user Avatar. (coming soon)
* History records are available from the day your subscription starts.